Monday, November 2, 2015

A Life's Work

  Snapchat users discovered recently the platform they've been using plans to snap up their work. (I'm using the term work loosely as I imagine the only reason to use an app which makes messages and photos disappear immediately after viewing would be nefarious.) Even so, it prompted me to look at Google Blogger's terms of service notice again.

  In one breath, Google promises that our work is our work. Yet, immediately after, they had the same language that gave Snapchaters pause. So what gives? Who owns what?

  As a professional writer who plans to publish this work as a book, I am concerned. To say the least. I take my copyright privileges seriously. I can't stand to see a poem or anything with the notation - author unknown. That just bugs the crap out of me. That means that someone somewhere didn't respect that writer or their work enough to find out and give proper credit.
  At the risk of sounding awful, I once denied a person to print a poem of mine on a funeral leaflet - because I knew it was my best poem ever and the risk was someone was going to copy it without giving me credit. Something I could have made money from for years by selling it to be printed on posters, greeting cards and keepsakes would have been lost. I know what you're thinking and I don't care. It's my property.

  That's the attitude Dolly Parton has. Oh My God. I have new found respect for that woman after reading about her on Joshua Kennon's Investing Blog. Trust me - under all that blond hair - whether it's real or not - is an unbelievable business titan mind. Read it. Seriously. Then read every single one of Joshua's posts. Seriously.

  Putting my work on this public site has its' risks, spammers, spinning, out-right theft. And trust me, if I find anyone doing it - I'll be all over them like Dolly Parton's legal team.

  But if I don't. If I don't do everything I possibly can in my power with the only talent God gave me - writing - then my son that I waited 23 years to come into my life - his life will be permanently altered by the unconstitutional actions of law enforcement from Alaska to Arkansas. And I won't let them steal my son's life from him.



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